Bus fare rise is just the ticket for public | Brief letters
As a non-driver and bus user all my life, I can understand why the government has raised the bus fare cap to £3. Anyone who has used buses for a long time knows that this is still cheaper than it’s been for years in most areas. I suspect most people asked about the rise (Editorial, 20 November) were not bus users or had bus passes.
Trevor Hopper
Lewes, East Sussex
Anyone who thinks raising the bus fare cap to £3 is OK either never travels by bus or holds in contempt the demographic that needs to use them.
Lois Ozlojo
Re the Covid letters (Covid is no laughing matter when it continues to hurt so many, 15 November), it’s OK to joke about dark stuff. Laughter is a defence mechanism. My fellow medical students and I relied on dark humour to get us through the awful things we saw as youngsters in the 1970s. Humour is a coping strategy and we all emerged as competent, caring doctors.
Dr Roger Timms
Re calling tourists in Cornwall emmets or grockles (Letters, 19 November) – both are offensive. They are holidaymakers hoping to enjoy our beautiful county. I’d like to think that when I leave Cornwall to visit other places I will welcomed, not called a name.
Maggie Matthews
Helston, Cornwall
I inquired about a basic health check when I reached my mid-70s and was told that unless I was on medication, it was not available (Letters, 19 November). Rather counterproductive.
Lynda McDonald